Four Signs to Prevent Workplace Violence - Nidal Hasan

Violence is taking over every area of our lives. Sadly, it has now spread to the workplace as well. Latest news about Major Nidal Malik Hasan report him to have murdered 13 fellow military personnel and wounded 30 more at Fort Hood Thursday. Apparently there were warning signs of unusual behavior.Just a day after the Fort Hood massacres, a man named Jason Rodriguez killed a co-worker and wounded five others at an engineering firm in Orlando, Florida. The question people ask is if there were warning signs present or if it happened out of the blue? In most situations, there are warning signs that can be determined.Below are four common warning signs that are often overlooked:1. Overreaction to criticism and resistance to changes in procedures.2. Anger that is directed at co-workers and/or the company, which seems stronger or more intense than the situation seems to call for.3. Obsession about co-workers or company policies. This can also include repeated violations of company policies.4. Bullying others to do things a certain way or possible threats to supervisors directly or indirectly.When you recognize these signs in one of your co-workers it is important not to simply ignore them but go and speak to your human resources department or employer about it. Sometimes we may think of a sign as insignificant or simply “weird” behavior. It is better to be safe though.If you realize that you struggle with any of these symptoms yourself or know any one that does, know that there are many resources available to assist you or your company in preventing workplace violence. For more information, please refer to the Anger Management page at This site will help you learn how to deal with your own emotions as well as co-workers that are struggling in the workplace.NOTE: You can freely redistribute this resource, electronically or in print, provided you leave the author's contact information below intact.

About the Author:

Relationship Expert, Janie Lacy, MS offers expert advice to Local and National TV News, Relationship Websites and provides phone or face-to-face counseling in the Orlando area. Janie has a relational approach and a unique ability to connect with individuals. Drawing upon her broad range of experience in private practice, not-for-profit organizations, hospitality and the medical industry, she has helped countless people in many arenas of life. She offers keen insight on all aspects of relationships – family, marriage, parenting, dating, and personal growth. Connect with Janie on


